Monday, February 7, 2011

Obstacles Women face Entering the Corporate World

This article is very interesting and touches on a lot of key struggles women face when entering the corporate world. It explains how corporate America thinks that women cannot do the same job as men can. It also touches on how women struggle more then men do to climb the corporate ladder.
I think that most of the time the glass ceiling is present for women because of the precautions we take, for example in the article is speaks about women having to cover all the information before taking a risk, our struggle to delegate, and the difference between our verbal and nonverbal language compared to men. All these factors impose a struggle for us women to compete against men in the corporate world. For the most part I think this is why there are more men leaders than there are women.
Women focus too much on the maternal aspect of things, as far as having a high concern for the people and not so much for the productivity. I think that this is why it is harder for women to compete with men. However, I think that eventually we will have more women leaders than we have in the past, don't know if more then men. What do you all think?

America Alvarez

1 comment:

  1. After reading this article and thinking about the current number of women who attend college I think it is evident that women are putting in the time and effort in to break the glass ceiling effect and become just as successful as men. America you mentioned that women may be at a disadvantage because they tend to be more relationship oriented over task oreinted. I think this is probably true just becasue women have a more nurturing nature, but I do not think it should hold women back because successful leaders as our text book states do need to have a certain degree of relationship behavior. But, maybe if women appeared to have less of a country club management style and more of a task management style they would get further in their careers.
